PRACARTIS Technology Test and research center

Home | PRACARTIS Technology test and research center
PRECISE FRANCE and all of the companies in the PRACARTIS group advise you on machining strategy, productivity gain, creation of specific tools (on plan) and choice of standard tools. Thanks to the tool-spindle couple, PRACARTIS Technology is able to offer its customers real global solutions, thus making it possible to be the most efficient and obtain the best level of performance for tools and electrospindles.
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R&D and Test Center


Partner of companies, engineering schools and university laboratories, approved training center, involved in many French and European R&D projects, the PRACARTIS Group is part of a voluntary and continuous innovation approach to meet the needs of machining processes improvement.

Our Test & Research division has a fully instrumented test center, open to its customers, allowing the company to measure cutting power and forces, vibrations, surface conditions, in the most challenging fields of machining (multilayers assemblies, hard or refractory metals, alloys, ceramics, etc.).

Research & Development Department 

Achievements of the Test and Research Center

Every day, the Test Center performs a wide range of various missions :

  • Tests definition – machine process, fixture, equipment.
  • Development tests on a new tool geometry.
  • Tool/material pair trials – definition of appropriate cutting conditions depending on the operation, the material, the tool and the cutting fluid.
  • Tool life testing.
  • Definition of machining strategies as well as tests on products, tools, materials and cutting fluids.
PRACARTIS Technology - Centre d'essais Recherche & Développement


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